The average house price on ASTON BUTTS is £177,911
The most expensive house in the street is 11 ASTON BUTTS with an estimated value of £201,095
The cheapest house in the street is 25 ASTON BUTTS with an estimated value of £149,681
The house which was most recently sold was 3 ASTON BUTTS, this sold on 17 Dec 2021 for £169,000
The postcode for ASTON BUTTS is SY2 5SA
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 ASTON BUTTS Semi-Detached £182,403 £169,000 17 Dec 2021
4 ASTON BUTTS Semi-Detached , 64 m2 £163,777 £110,000 9 Feb 2015
10 ASTON BUTTS Semi-Detached £192,599 £40,000 27 Mar 1998
11 ASTON BUTTS Terraced , 64 m2 £201,095 £122,000 24 Oct 2013
25 ASTON BUTTS Semi-Detached , 86 m2 £149,681 £110,000 18 Mar 2016